I think it might be fun to record random experiments (random + experiements = duxperiments [pronounched DUUUHHH-x-periments], also because they're fucking dumb).
I heard that mixing sugar and milk with tea makes milk tea. Which makes perfuckt sense.
So, my roommate (Jenny) and I tried it in our floor lounge at 1:00 AM. She had to do her calc hw, and there were other people studying in there.
Nevertheless, the calls of science cannot be ignored.
+/- Duxperiment 001
Anyway, we were looking for a substitute for sugar and the best we could come up with was Jenny's Nutella. That shit is sooooo good.
Of course,
it tasted like crap mixed (it didn't really mix) with tea and milk.
Jenny thought it tasted like wood.
I'm pretty sure wood tastes better than that.
Sometimes, Jenny and I don't agree.
Today was such a productive day :)